The unfolding of the raga's swaras or notes has often been refereed to as the unfolding of the 'note' petals of a mystic flower. Which was in fact the layout of musical notes during the days of the Sama Veda. When the Sama Veda was first composed, it was not sung, but chanted, in what are now the first three notes of the scale:Sa, Re and Ga. According to the Naradiya Shiksha, at some point, to these three notes of the were then added a fourth, fifth, sixth and then a seventh note, to get a complete scale.the three note-petals on either side of the 'Sa' or mystic kernel of the flower. By which the note-scheme now consisted of Ma, Ga, Re, Sa, Ni, Dha, Pa- set clockwise, or in the descending order. It was a truly meditative approach.
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